Pierre-Honoré Lefèvre
Parisian Clockmaker active circa 1790-1810
« Lefevre à Paris »
“Lefevre à Paris”: This signature is that of clockmaker Pierre-Honoré Lefèvre (or Lefebvre). Lefèvre had both a professional and personal relationship with his colleague Jean-François Debelle. In 1803, after the death of Debelle, his widow Catherine-Sophie Martin was obliged to sell many of the clocks in the shop – that is, twenty-nine- to Lefèvre, who lived at the same address. Lefèvre, who does not appear in horological reference works, appears to have been quite prolific and to have made high-quality clocks. He was linked, both professionally and personally, to Debelle, with whom he often collaborated and to whom he entrusted the sale of the clocks he made or had made; the two shared the profits. Pierre-Honoré Lefèvre purchase the stock of his colleague and friend Jean-François Debelle; he continued the workshop’s activity and was quite successful.